Foothills County Administration Office
309 Macleod Trail South – High River

Chair: Gar Beacom

Board Members: Barb Castell, Gloria Wilkinson, Ted Mills, and Don Larson

The approval of the February 28, 2023 minutes be postponed until the next Development Appeal Board Meeting.

Landowner(s): Leslie (Kyle) and Lisa Brost

Appellant(s): Chantal and Peter Wing

DESCRIPTION: Appeal against the Approval of Development Permit 22D 230 for a Home-Based Business, Type III, - Outdoor Services.

LEGAL: Plan 0111800, Block 3, Lot 2; Ptn. SW 31-21-28 W4M

  • Request to Withdraw appeal received March 21, 2023.

Landowner(s): Estate of Norman G. Carlson

Applicant(s): Badke Consulting Ltd.

Appellants: Jack Zaitsoff c/o Cargill Ltd.

DESCRIPTION: Appeal against the Approval of Development Permit 22D 250 for Recreational Vehicle Storage, Business Office and Accessory Building. 
LEGAL: Plan 0815871, Block 1, Lot 1, and Plan 0815783, Block 2, Lot 1 Ptn. S1/2 30-19-28 W4M